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血壓是 blood pressure,那量血壓的英文(美式及英式)怎麼說?


 "measure" the blood pressure (需要加上 the 嗎?)

 "check" blood pressure

High Blood Pressure and Older Adults

One reason to visit your doctor regularly is to have your blood pressure checked and, if needed, plan how to manage your blood pressure.

High blood pressure often has no signs or symptoms, but routine checks (名詞) of your blood pressure will help detect increasing levels. If your blood pressure reading is high at two or more check-ups, the doctor may also ask you to measure your blood pressure at home. (measure 是動詞)


Why do I need to measure my blood pressure?

Where can I get my blood pressure checked?

 結論:主動動詞用法: measure your blood pressure

被動動詞用法 get your blood pressure measured

結案 ----當然還沒



Cardiol Ther. 2019 Dec; 8(2): 157–166.
Published online 2019 Jul 30. doi: 10.1007/s40119-019-0144-3

 New American and European Hypertension Guidelines, Reconciling the Differences




 Blood pressure test (他們不用 measure)

When and where to get your blood pressure tested---被動式

 How blood pressure is tested


 High blood pressure (hypertension)