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The commons sizes and orientations of academic posters and prensenation fils in the US, Taiwan, and some countries


 I search academic poster size (on google)


-----------------In the US, --------------------

Poster Printing Guidelines (Texas A&M Pharmacy)

1. Page setup: Select the "Orientation" as Landscape. --(we know the landscape is preferred than portrait. But portrait is very very very common in Taiwan. Some conferences even prohibit landscape)

2. The default PowerPoint presentation is 10” x 7.5” for an on-screen show.

3. Standard paper roll sizes are 24”, 36”, and 42”.

4. Special Fonts  

5. Colors


 TIPS FOR DESIGNING YOUR POSTER (Sanford School of Medicine)

 1.  48 (w) X 36 (h) is a standard poster size --(Yes, it is landscape)

We recommend that you print 25-30 hard copies of your poster on a standard 8.5
by 11 page to have available for conference attendees.



-----------------In the UK -------------------- 

The Print Centre, Student Academic Poster Printing (University of Southampton)

They use A0, A1, and A2 system

Typical large format poster
sizes are A0 – 841x1189mm, A1 – 594x841mm and A2 420x594mm.

Posters with a Powerful Point: A practical guide to designing academic posters (University of York)

Let's consider an example...
*An A1 poster needs a width of 84.1cm and a height of 59.4cm.---that is landscape----
*Adding 3mm of bleed to all four sides gives a width of 84.7cm and a height of 60cm.
*Adding 5mm margins for the crop marks gives a width of 85.7cm and a height of 61cm.

Presentation Competition  Research Poster Preparation

(The University of Manchester)

A1 poster templates -----portrait----



Making an Impact with your Poster (University of Liverpool)

Resolution: 300 dpi

A0 size --either in landscape or portrait----

---I love the content. It is good (especially the part of using colour)


 Large format academic posters (University of St Andrews)

 Download a poster template: Large format academic poster templates (ZIP)


---So we know that either in A0 or A1; either in landsacpe or portrait---





---------------in Canada (similar to the US style)------------------

Creating an Effective Scientific Poster - University of Guelph

Standard size for posters is 91.4cm x 121.9cm (36”x48”)

Poster Guidelines and Tips (Vancouver Island University)

Important Notes on Poster Sizing

  • The maximum slide size in PowerPoint is 56 inches x 56 inches

  • PowerPoint 2016 slides are, by default, 13.333 inches wide by 7.5 inches high

  • The standard size for Print academic posters is 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall

------------in Japan-----------------------------

Poster presentation on ICMMA 2019 (Meyji University 明治大学)

A0 size

Interactive Poster Presentation Advice (Fukui University of Technology 福井工業大学)

A0 size


------------in Australia----------------------

 Poster Information - Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (University of Adelaide)

  The poster size is 841 (W) x 1189 (H) mm (A0).----looks like portrait ---
  University of Adelaide A0 Poster template.


Poster Guidelines (University of Monash)

Poster size should conform to the A0 standard (Width: 841mm, Height: 1189 mm)


 Imaging & Posters    Poster Printing Guide   (University of Melbourne)




A0 size:  841 mm x 1189 mm, or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches