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20240625 監察院食品安全會議,蘇丹紅事件








 這次事件主要是 Sudan III    




如何讓「蘇丹紅鴨蛋」或「芬普尼雞蛋」不再出現:談化學物質管理的秘訣撇步--環保部 2018 

環保署公告蘇丹色素等16種物質為毒化物-- 環保部 2018 


 蘇丹紅 簡報(文化大學。阿原推測,這可能是文老師製作的簡報)


 Background about Sudan dyes in food    Brussels, 24 February 2005



Evaluation of impact of exposure of Sudan azo dyes and their .

These azo dyes are not permitted for use as food additives due to their potential carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified Sudan I–IV as Class 3 carcinogens (not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans).May 23, 2012  話不是這樣講。例如假酒事件,使用工業用甲醇(價格便宜很多,而且消費者無法分辨),沒事就沒事,出事了輕則瞎眼,重則死亡,並不會致癌。








 Sudan III; Solvent red 23; 85-86-9; C.I. Solvent Red 23; Cerasin Red; ..





 1964 發表的研究,會造成兔子肝臟問題



Food Fraud: A Never-Ending Global Menace
By Abenaa Akyaa Okyere, M.Sc.   2021

palm oil adulterated with Sudan dye  


Economically Motivated Adulteration: What Are Processors Doing to Combat Food Fraud?
By Bob Ferguson   2019 

It is known, for example, that oregano has been found to contain other vegetative matter (i.e., leaves of other plants) as an adulterant, synthetic flavors are often passed off as natural (e.g., synthetic vanilla sold as natural) or used to expand the volumes of natural flavors, and various colorants have been used to misrepresent the quality of spice products—such as Sudan dye illegally used in paprika—to name a few.