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Regulation about wiping rag/wiping cloths-US/clothes-EU---and snitizers-US, disinfectants-EU

 =====感謝蕭大,11/30 晚上 一語點醒夢中原======

Food safety magazine

Creating a Great Cutting Boards and Wipe Rag Program





Why is cleaning important

Dish cloths, sponges, and tea towels 

We advise that you wash or change dish cloths, tea towels, sponges and oven gloves regularly. It's important to wash and dry them before you use them again. This is because dirty and damp items encourage bacteria to grow. Also use different cloths for specific tasks, so use a separate cloth for surfaces and for washing up.


 Cleaning effectively in your business

 disinfection products should meet the BS EN standards - check product labels for either BS EN 1276 (Opens in a new window) or BS EN 13697 (Opens in a new window) codes

------去查 GFSI 2020.1 


Reusing a tea towel or cloth for multiple purposes

Tea towels and cloths can be one of the top causes of cross-contamination in the kitchen, as bacteria persist on them (footnote 1). In the Kitchen Life 2 (KL2) study, these items were used for a wide variety of purposes in households and by food business operators (FBOs) – including mopping up spills, wiping surfaces, drying plates, wiping chopping boards, as well as wiping hands and faces. 

The reuse of tea towels and cloths for multiple purposes was observed on a fifth (210) of all meal occasions in households, and just under a third (87) of all meal occasions in FBOs. 

Overall, the influences on reusing a tea towel or cloth were very similar across households and FBOs. They were: 

  • the convenience and availability of tea towels and cloths, which were routinely carried or left around the kitchen for use when needed (physical opportunity). 
  • the habitual and unconscious nature of the behaviour (automatic motivation). 

These were reinforced by the following contextual factors (footnote 2)

  • beliefs about the consequences of foodborne illness from reusing tea towels or cloth, which were seen as minimal. In addition, in FBOs, carrying a tea towel over the shoulder was seen as a key part of a chef’s identity (reflective motivation). 
  • the permissive social norms around reusing tea towels and cloths, which had greater influence in FBOs than in households (social opportunity).  
--------tea towel or cloth-------

EN 13697: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative non-porous surface test for bactericidal or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants

European Guide for Good Hygiene Practices in the production of artisanal cheese and dairy products



Wiping for safety   27th of June 2014 

Cloths and wipers are usually considered to be a relatively unimportant part of the industrial, mechanical, healthcare and food manufacturing process. As long as a cloth or wiper is close to hand when a mess needs cleaning up, this is usually considered to be a sufficient contribution to the smooth running of a workplace.

But a humble wiper can also play an important part in keeping the working environment healthy and safe for staff, visitors and customers.





Food Control  Volume 142, December 2022, 109195

Kitchen cloths: Consumer practices, drying properties and bacterial growth and survival

 -----kitchen cloths----

 Braz J Microbiol
. 2014 Jan 15;44(3):765–770. doi: 10.1590/s1517-83822013000300015

Evaluation of two recommended disinfection methods for cleaning cloths used in food services of southern Brazil

Hygiene Information - Equipment & Surface Cleaning


 Disinfectant Choice
Recent guidelines recommend that disinfectants pass certain EN standards. These are EN1276 and EN13697.


Use single-use cloths wherever possible, and throw them away after each task

 If using re-usable cloths, make sure they are thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and dried between tasks (not just when they look dirty).
Using dirty cloths can spread bacteria very easily.
Ideally, wash cloths in a washing machine on a hot cycle.
A hot wash cycle (90°C) will clean the cloths thoroughly and
kill bacteria (disinfect).
If you wash and disinfect cloths by hand, make sure all the food and dirt has been removed before you disinfect them.
Use a disinfectant solution to disinfect the cloths.







 clothes 衣物

 cloths 布/抹布