

阿原,江易原,記下一些事情跟朋友們分享,也留下自己學習與成長的紀錄。教學課程請見 "阿原小站" 還有阿原開放式課程阿原直播與教學影片阿原生活影片阿原創新顧問公司阿原科幻小說-NC1543、教師教學社團:開源軟體與教學應用
版權:除特別聲明外,本網站之照片及文字等,皆為版權沒有 (public domain, Creative Commons Zero),歡迎使用


My project: to investigate how to upload files to Internet Archive and create open textbook on BC Campus OpenEd




 BC campus OpenEd



Suggest a Textbook for the Collection


Open Textbook Criteria

To help us continue to deliver quality open textbooks, please use the following to determine if your recommendation is appropriate for the collection.

Required Criteria

  • Textbook elements: The resource must include elements that make it a textbook (as opposed to an essay collection or monograph). This includes things like learning objectives and activities. 
  • An open licence: The textbook must be released with an open licence (Creative Commons) that allows for editing or be in the public domain. Open resources that do not allow for editing (for example NoDerivatives) are considered on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Accessible: The textbook must meet the BCcampus OER Accessibility Criteria [PDF].
  • Canadian relevance: The textbook must be able to be used in a Canadian classroom as is. 
  • An editable file: The textbook must include at least one editable file to allow for future adaptation (i.e., Pressbooks XML, Word, LaTeX source files). 
  • A PDF file and cover: The textbook must be available as a PDF file and have a book cover so BCcampus can set up a print-on-demand option. 
  • High quality: 
    • The textbook is copyright compliant, meaning all non-original content is under an open licence and has been attributed according to the licence requirements. This usually takes the form of an attribution statement.
    • The textbook follows a consistent structure and has been copy edited by someone who is not the author to remove errors and inconsistencies according to the following guidelines: How to Copy Edit.

------------這當然沒問題,阿原從 2005 年開始研讀自由授權,連 2007-09 的博士論文,也用自由授權。




Create Open Textbooks 



 Contacts at the Internet Archive