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I bought the Cornell T-shirt 15 years ago, and I wear it today 2022-07-13




I bought this T-shirt at the Cornell campus store in the middle of 2007. I had the oral defense on 2007-08-14 and arrived in Taiwan in September 2007. I have been waiting for good timing to wear it (very expansive). 

Today (2022-07-13), I think it is the right time.  

Thus, today it is my first time to wear this T-shirt, and also the first time I wear cloth with the Cornell logo.


Why today? 

My two friends and I finished translating the Codex Guidelines of Nutrition Labelling

(please check   20220408 下載 Codex 營養標示指引 Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (CXG 2-1985)(2021 更新) (正體中文翻譯雙語版) )

And now we are editing a book based on the translation.  It will be a bilingual book.

The book title in English is:  Comparisons of Codex Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling with Relevant Regulations of Taiwan and the United States

I need a photo in the part of about the authors in the book.

Thus, I took this photo. Period.