真丟臉,阿原自稱主修食品微生物,但到現在 (2024-12-25 0227 am) 才弄懂這段當年的故事
The Bad Sausage & The Discovery of Botulism
Body Horrors
By Rebecca Kreston
Jul 31, 2016 10:29 PM
Wikipedia Botulinum toxin
Initial descriptions and discovery of Clostridium botulinum
之前誤以為是 1804 年之後罐頭造成的肉毒桿菌症,到 1895 年發現肉毒桿菌,原來是從香腸檢體,不是罐頭,是阿原沒讀書
Food canning
Over the next three decades, 1895–1925, as food canning was approaching a billion-dollar-a-year industry, botulism was becoming a public health hazard. Karl Friedrich Meyer, a Swiss-American veterinary scientist, created a center at the Hooper Foundation in San Francisco, where he developed techniques for growing the organism and extracting the toxin, and conversely, for preventing organism growth and toxin production, and inactivating the toxin by heating. The California canning industry was thereby preserved.[101]