

阿原,江易原,記下一些事情跟朋友們分享,也留下自己學習與成長的紀錄。教學課程請見 "阿原小站" 還有阿原開放式課程阿原直播與教學影片阿原生活影片阿原創新顧問公司阿原科幻小說-NC1543、教師教學社團:開源軟體與教學應用
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My consideration on teaching student to use bibliography software 阿原教學生使用圖書編目軟體之考量






 Comparison of reference management software


Importance/sequence of consideration


Top 1: cross platforms (operating system) and devices (cell pones and computers)

Idea situation: 

1. the software or internet application can be used on computers (Windows, macOS, Linux-like OS)

2. the software or internet application can be used on cell phones (Android, iPhone, Windows, etc.)


Top 2 Price and updating

Idea condition: Free of charge



The third consideration:

Is the software openly licensed.


After screening, I got some applications

1. Wikindx

2. JabRef or Bebop

Then I will check whether those applications are easy to install and easy to use.