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Besides calories and nutrition, the third factor from foods is critical for human beings, I call it the "emotional nutrients" 食物除了營養與熱量, 更重要的是「情緒營養素」

This is my theory:

The “emotional nutrients” are more important than simply calories and nutrition, in the era when food supply is higher than people's needs.

About the emotional nutrients (EN),

I think several components determine the value of EN, just like the amino acids composition and amount that affect the value of protein.

1. Calories of foods

2. Sensory quality of foods

3. Price of foods

4. Whom you are with when eating (family/boy or girlfriend/boss/colleagues)

Sure, spoilage or food poisoning will destroy all the above components

5. Food taboos of religions, vegan/vegetarian or personal reasons

The reason I write this article is: most nutritional education in Taiwan only emphasizes how calories and nutrition influence our health, and they N-E-V-E-R mention anything about the happiness brought from foods. Thus, I created the term: “emotional nutrients” to rebalance the education in nutrition.

By the way, this article in English has been corrected by three ways (exclude this part) to save my poor English1. LT, an extension from Firefox
2. Grammar
3. Google office

