1. 快走暖身 16 min, 心跳 120
2.單槓 11 下(有錄影)
3. 三千公尺 16m 47s (是符合國軍標準,但我希望有更好的成績) --心率帶異常
4. 快走 6m 24 去接孩子
5. 與孩子跑操場最外圈 3 圈(孩子在操場直線段跑步,圓弧處散步),我則持續慢跑。12min 137 下
1. 快走暖身 16 min, 心跳 120
2.單槓 11 下(有錄影)
3. 三千公尺 16m 47s (是符合國軍標準,但我希望有更好的成績) --心率帶異常
4. 快走 6m 24 去接孩子
5. 與孩子跑操場最外圈 3 圈(孩子在操場直線段跑步,圓弧處散步),我則持續慢跑。12min 137 下
2023/05/27 王敏而
The music in the video that you misjudged as copyrighted. However, it is from this website, and it is in the public domain. Please check it carefully.
1. 先快走 15 min 暖身,平均心跳 120
2. 單槓 12 下(有錄影)
3. 跑三千公尺,17 min 20 sec
4. 接到孩子,一同運動,操場最外圈,直線用跑的,彎道用走的,這次四圈,共 16 min 14 sec,(中間有停頓)我的平均心跳 117 (it was over the 60% of my Max heat rate for my age)
我跑三千公尺,心跳都是 160 下/min 起算的。不確定是手機接受訊號的問題,還是心率帶的問題。
Timing Description: Start Time: 2023年5月25日 17:06:45
Total Time: 00:17:20.60----真難看的成績...平均一圈 300 m 1 min 44.06 sec
10 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:45.95
Lap Total Time: 00:17:20.60
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:50.06
Lap Total Time: 00:15:34.65
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:45.67
Lap Total Time: 00:13:44.59
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:45.97
Lap Total Time: 00:11:58.92
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:44.18
Lap Total Time: 00:10:12.95
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:44.40
Lap Total Time: 00:08:28.77
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:45.30
Lap Total Time: 00:06:44.37
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:41.10
Lap Total Time: 00:04:59.07
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.01
Lap Total Time: 00:03:17.97
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:39.96
Lap Total Time: 00:01:39.96
1. 先快走 11 min 暖身,平均心跳 116
2. 慢跑(不拼速度)三千公尺19 min 55 sec ,共跑 27 min平均心跳 148 (慢跑就是不全力衝刺,舒服輕鬆,原來某醫生建議心跳 130,但醫生沒有提到是哪個年紀。我要控制跑步心跳在 130 下,有點困難,很容易超過。這次就放著慢跑,148下)
3. 接到孩子,一同運動,操場最外圈,直線用跑的,彎道用走的,這樣三圈,共 10 min 24 sec,我的平均心跳 117 (it was over the 60% of my Max heat rate for my age)
4. (仰臥起坐 10 + 伏地挺身 10 ) x 2
Total Time: 00:19:55.54
10 Laps---這類慢跑很輕鬆,我希望控制在一圈 300 meters within 2 min
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:52.24
Lap Total Time: 00:19:55.54
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:56.50
Lap Total Time: 00:18:03.30
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:56.77
Lap Total Time: 00:16:06.80
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:02:01.89
Lap Total Time: 00:14:10.03
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:59.65
Lap Total Time: 00:12:08.14
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:55.85
Lap Total Time: 00:10:08.49
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:57.06
Lap Total Time: 00:08:12.64
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:02:04.65
Lap Total Time: 00:06:15.58
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:02:06.74
Lap Total Time: 00:04:10.93
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:02:04.19
Lap Total Time: 00:02:04.19
Total Time: 00:16:47.80----平均一圈 300 m for 1 min 40.78 sec
10 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:42.00
Lap Total Time: 00:16:47.80
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:43.59
Lap Total Time: 00:15:05.80
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:46.14
Lap Total Time: 00:13:22.21
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:43.73
Lap Total Time: 00:11:36.07
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:43.31
Lap Total Time: 00:09:52.34
Lap Description: Lap 5...第五圈開始明顯掉速--兩腿微酸
Lap Time: 00:01:42.03
Lap Total Time: 00:08:09.03
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:36.79
Lap Total Time: 00:06:27.00
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:35.98
Lap Total Time: 00:04:50.21
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:35.36
Lap Total Time: 00:03:14.23
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.87
Lap Total Time: 00:01:38.87
大舅舅(母親的哥哥)走了,享年 90。阿原載爸媽參加告別式。
辭典檢視[屘: ㄇㄢ] - 教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》2021
從小我們叫「屘」叔,是父親的弟弟,其夫人,我們稱呼「屘嬸」 (嬸嬸,台語發音接近英文字健身房 gym)
5/19 搭火車 06:43 火車出發(還有座位) 0742 下捷運
5/20 搭火車 06:43 火車出發(還有座位) 0745 下捷運(剛好錯過一班捷運)
5/26 搭火車 06:43 火車出發(沒座位,) 0735 下捷運(剛好搭上)
5/27 搭火車 06:43 火車出發(還有座位) 0745 下捷運(差 15 秒,剛好錯過一班捷運,週末班次少,等了7 min)
ETmall 【一級嚴選】饗城袖珍海鮮羹8件組(1000g/碗)
Youtube 參考影片:
一次做1500人份!辦桌手路菜 - 羅漢門魚翅羹/內門總舖師阿隆師/Traditional Seafood Thick Soup Making
Youtube 參考影片
【直擊生產線】冷凍年菜開戰! 大成搶進瞄準20億大餅 (2016)
1 在 1m40s, 2m10s 八爪機 (填充)
2. 2m20s 自動稱重機
3. 2m40s 初次冷凍
1. 4m40s 分包後初次冷卻,從 95C 到30C以下,後續冷凍到 -18C
驗效確效 (validation) 及產品檢驗
1. 依照 Codex 指引,對食品安全管制措施的驗效確效有五種,我們引用兩種台灣常見的方法,實驗及科學文獻
CXG 69-2008 Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures (2013)
2. 產品檢驗兩大方向:衛生與品質
衛生:依照法規、驗證、客戶要求( Costco 之要求)進行衛生檢驗(如化學殘留、微生物)
品質:足夠的成分及外觀、口感。例如乳酸飲料,若宣稱符合CNS 3058,其數個項目,包括乳酸菌數,需要符合標準。如靈芝多醣體,需要達到某種量或濃度。提示:品質與衛生無關,是兩個概念。
食品中微生物衛生標準 (民國 109 年 10 月 06 日 )EN
3. 檢驗報告之網路範本
(全國公證測試報告) 熟丁香(小魚乾,檢驗微生物與過氧化氫)
SGS 檢驗報告 2019-02-18油蔥酥(植物油款)的微生物檢驗報告
4. 上方這類的檢驗報告,可以是衛生或品質。
本次作業,可以網路使用範本,模擬對管制界限進行驗效確效 (validation)
*挑出各組設定 CCP ,找出之管制界限。
*針對「管制界限」是否能有效管制預設的顯著危害,需要「事先」進行驗效確效。 這裡請準備一個文件,標題可以是:管制措施/管制界限之驗效確效
#台灣法源依據:食品安全管制系統準則 (民國 107 年 05 月 01 日 )EN
第 7 條 管制小組應對每一重要管制點建立管制界限,並進行驗效。
#而 ISO 22000:2018 條文依據:
8.5.3 Validation of control measure(s) and combinations of control measures控制措施和控制措施組合的驗效確效 (validation)
說明:台灣的HACCP,只要求管制界限要驗效確效。而 8.5.3 意指所有的管制措施都要驗效
本次作業(雖然 Codex 的驗效確效有五種,我們作業選擇引用科學文獻或權威資料)
1. 產品名稱、製程簡易說明、管制之 CCP、管制界限(是可以透過科學儀器測量的值,如溫度、pH、防腐劑使用量、水活性等),該 CCP 主要針對哪個項目?(例如一般食品可能是病原菌,罐頭食品則是肉毒桿菌)
2. 引用哪個文獻權威資料,知道設定這樣的管制界限,是有效的(例如美國 USDA 壽司指引的醋飯之 CCP,其管制界限就是 pH 4.2 以下。加拿大衛生局對的泡菜的 pH 要求 4.5 以下)
3. 如果加上檢驗,例如成品送公信單位檢驗(通過 ISO 17025, 食藥署認證實驗室),可以說明怎樣的產品(同第一項),經過的製程(殺滅微生物),經過檢驗,其微生物之殘留,是符合標準的。
#以加熱到特定溫度,以殺滅或把微生物降低到可接受的程度,可以參考美國農業部的資料:Cook to a Safe Minimum Internal Temperature
這類是引用有效文獻(烹煮到安全的最低溫度),不必進行檢驗,也是可接受的驗效方式之一。(不過通常食品業申請 HACCP 驗證,會選擇成品/產品抽樣,送檢驗,當作產品對衛生標準過關之證據)
所以作業的寫法,對一般加熱型(不超過 100℃)的 CCP,可以引用美國農業部,foodsafety.gov 的資料,當成有效之文獻。
美國 FDA Water Activity (aw) in Foods (主要是 Part 113 低酸罐頭)
美國 USDA Division of Food Science and Technology Fact Sheet CSIRO — August 1995 列出不同微生物與生長的 Aw
USDA pH of Selected Foods
1. 內部管理(驗收、儲存、加工、成品儲存、器具設備之經清潔)
2. 標示(原料之過敏原標示、成品之過敏原標示)
公告食品過敏原標示規定,應標示之過敏原增加為11項 (2018)
Food Allergies (九大類需要標示過敏原,僅在包裝食品,散裝不用)
food information to consumers (No. 1169/2011)
Article 9 List of mandatory particulars
Article 44 National measures for non-prepacked food (非包裝食品也要標過敏原)
法規: 食品器具容器包裝衛生標準
(民國 102 年 08 月 20 日 )EN
1. GHP 範圍的供應商管理、包材驗收
2. 在 HACCP 之危害分析,分析可能之危害與嚴重性,並評估是否為顯著危害,若是,是否需要列 CCP (進行高強度管控)
Good afternoon! How can I assist you today?
That's great! As a teacher of chemistry and food science, how can I assist you? Do you have any specific questions or topics you would like to discuss?
Certainly! Here are some suggestions you can share with your students for studying organic chemistry:
Understand the foundational concepts: Organic chemistry builds upon certain fundamental concepts such as bonding, molecular structure, and reaction mechanisms. Ensure that your students have a solid understanding of these principles before delving into more complex topics.
Practice regularly: Organic chemistry requires practice to become proficient. Encourage your students to work through a variety of problems and exercises, including both textbook examples and additional practice questions. This will help reinforce their understanding and develop problem-solving skills.
Visualize molecular structures: Organic chemistry involves visualizing and manipulating complex molecular structures. Encourage your students to use molecular models or online visualization tools to enhance their understanding of three-dimensional structures and spatial relationships.
Identify patterns and trends: Organic chemistry often involves identifying patterns and trends in reactions and functional groups. Encourage your students to look for commonalities and recurring patterns, as this will help them make connections and predict reactions more effectively.
Seek clarification and ask questions: Encourage your students to actively engage in class by asking questions when they encounter challenges or need clarification. Remind them that seeking help is a valuable part of the learning process and that you are there to support them.
Form study groups: Studying organic chemistry with peers can be beneficial. Encourage your students to form study groups where they can discuss concepts, solve problems together, and support each other's learning.
Utilize additional resources: Recommend useful resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, videos, and interactive websites that provide additional explanations and examples. These resources can supplement classroom instruction and help students reinforce their understanding.
Relate organic chemistry to real-life applications: Highlight the relevance of organic chemistry in various fields, including food science, pharmaceuticals, materials science, and environmental studies. Connecting the subject to real-life applications can enhance students' motivation and understanding.
Stay organized and manage time effectively: Organic chemistry can be challenging, so encourage your students to stay organized and manage their time effectively. Breaking down the material into manageable chunks and maintaining a study schedule can help prevent last-minute cramming and reduce stress.
Stay curious and motivated: Organic chemistry is a fascinating subject with numerous applications and discoveries waiting to be made. Encourage your students to stay curious, motivated, and open-minded as they explore the intricacies of organic molecules and reactions.
Remember to provide ongoing support and guidance to your students throughout the course. Best of luck with your lecture!
I understand that students may have varying levels of proficiency in chemistry. Here are some additional suggestions to help students who may struggle with the subject:
Provide foundational knowledge: Ensure that students have a solid understanding of the basic concepts and principles of chemistry before diving into organic chemistry. Review important topics such as atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, and chemical reactions if necessary.
Offer extra support: Identify students who may be struggling and offer additional resources or support. This can include one-on-one tutoring sessions, extra office hours, or recommending online tutorials and practice materials tailored to their needs.
Break down complex concepts: Organic chemistry can be challenging, so break down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable parts. Use visual aids, diagrams, and real-life examples to illustrate the principles and make them more relatable.
Emphasize problem-solving strategies: Organic chemistry often involves problem-solving and critical thinking. Teach students effective strategies for approaching problems, such as identifying key information, analyzing given data, and applying relevant concepts.
Practice with different types of problems: Provide a variety of practice problems that cover different aspects of organic chemistry. This helps students develop a stronger grasp of the subject and builds their problem-solving skills.
Offer hands-on activities: Incorporate hands-on activities or laboratory experiments whenever possible. Practical application can help solidify theoretical concepts and engage students who may learn better through experiential learning.
Foster a supportive learning environment: Create a classroom atmosphere where students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help. Encourage peer-to-peer collaboration and group discussions, as this can enhance learning and provide different perspectives.
Relate to food science: Emphasize the relevance of organic chemistry to food science and nutrition. Connect organic chemistry concepts to real-life examples in food composition, flavor compounds, food preservation, or the study of food additives. Demonstrating the practical applications of organic chemistry can motivate students and enhance their understanding.
Use technology and multimedia resources: Leverage technology to supplement classroom instruction. Recommend interactive online resources, simulations, or virtual labs that allow students to visualize and explore organic chemistry concepts in a dynamic and engaging way.
Encourage persistence and growth mindset: Remind students that learning organic chemistry takes time and effort. Encourage them to embrace challenges, persevere through difficulties, and maintain a growth mindset. Emphasize that mistakes and setbacks are part of the learning process and opportunities for growth.
By implementing these strategies and providing support to students of varying abilities, you can create an inclusive learning environment where all students have the opportunity to succeed in chemistry and organic chemistry, even if they initially find it challenging.
Certainly! Here are some effective ways to encourage students to learn chemistry and organic chemistry:
Highlight the relevance: Emphasize the practical applications and relevance of chemistry and organic chemistry in their field of study, such as nutrition and food science. Show how understanding these subjects can contribute to their future careers and research opportunities.
Connect to real-life examples: Use real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate how chemistry concepts are applied in everyday life, particularly in relation to food and nutrition. Show how chemistry impacts food quality, flavor, nutrition, and safety.
Engage with interactive learning: Incorporate interactive learning activities, demonstrations, and experiments to make the subject more engaging and hands-on. This can include virtual simulations, laboratory work, or field trips to relevant facilities or industries.
Foster curiosity: Encourage curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world of chemistry. Share interesting facts, stories, and discoveries to spark their interest and curiosity. Highlight the beauty and complexity of chemical reactions and molecular structures.
Use multimedia resources: Utilize multimedia resources, such as videos, animations, and online interactive tools, to supplement lectures and textbooks. These resources can provide visual representations and alternative explanations that cater to different learning styles.
Provide real-world context: Discuss current research, breakthroughs, and innovations in the field of chemistry and organic chemistry. Show how scientists are continually pushing the boundaries and making discoveries that impact society.
Offer opportunities for exploration: Provide opportunities for students to explore specific topics or areas of interest within chemistry. Encourage independent research, projects, or presentations that allow them to delve deeper into a subject they find fascinating.
Showcase career prospects: Highlight the wide range of career paths and opportunities available to those with a background in chemistry and organic chemistry. Invite guest speakers from relevant industries or professions to share their experiences and career trajectories.
Recognize achievements: Celebrate students' achievements and progress in their understanding of chemistry. Acknowledge their efforts and successes, whether it's through individual recognition or class-wide accolades, to boost their confidence and motivation.
Create a supportive learning environment: Foster a positive and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and collaborating with their peers. Encourage teamwork, open discussions, and mutual support among classmates.
Remember that motivation and interest can vary among students, so it's essential to employ a variety of strategies to engage and encourage their learning. By making the subject relatable, interactive, and applicable to their future endeavors, you can inspire students to embrace chemistry and organic chemistry as valuable and exciting fields of study.
20230516 遇到問題,正在上網找解方
在工具列,搜尋 Obscure double-click, 出現方框,選取區域(例如阿原把 LINE 部份內容遮掉),匯出,搞定
參考資料:視頻編輯-kdenlive-002-給視頻加上 固定馬賽克 Obscure 馬賽克遮蓋 用於遮蓋固定位置的圖像
20230702 補充,
使用 obscure 的功能,把部份區域馬賽克,但是影片不同位置,需要遮掉的位置不同,我就使用 OBS 的剪刀,先區分不同位置(還好,需要遮罩的位置固定,工作單純),再個別使用 obsure 的功能,拉出需要遮罩的位置
西漢時代的 五等爵 公侯伯子男,這是英文網頁 Zhou dynasty nobility
Gong (公; gōng)
Hou (侯; hòu)
Bo (伯; bó)
Zi (子; zǐ)
Nan (男; nán)
這是英國系統 Lord
Five ranks of peer exist in the United Kingdom: in descending order these are duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.
Total Time: 00:16:57.76
10 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:42.55
Lap Total Time: 00:16:57.76
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:45.89
Lap Total Time: 00:15:15.21
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:46.21
Lap Total Time: 00:13:29.32
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:44.05
Lap Total Time: 00:11:43.11
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:43.12
Lap Total Time: 00:09:59.06
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:41.17
Lap Total Time: 00:08:15.94
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:40.01
Lap Total Time: 00:06:34.77
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:37.56
Lap Total Time: 00:04:54.76
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.60
Lap Total Time: 00:03:17.20
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.60
Lap Total Time: 00:01:38.60
Total Time: 00:27:04.68
9 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 9... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:02:40.69
Lap Total Time: 00:27:04.68
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:02:45.50
Lap Total Time: 00:24:23.99
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:02:43.89
Lap Total Time: 00:21:38.49
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:02:45.89
Lap Total Time: 00:18:54.60
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:02:44.71
Lap Total Time: 00:16:08.71
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:05:24.09
Lap Total Time: 00:13:24.00
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:02:39.71
Lap Total Time: 00:07:59.91
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:02:39.13
Lap Total Time: 00:05:20.20
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:02:41.07
Lap Total Time: 00:02:41.07
台灣60Hz】欣興電子蓋植物工廠 瞄準未來新興農業科技|廖慶學 2023.04.30 part1
12 分鐘,提到高單價的植物
17 分鐘,董事長分享當年的動機,包括食安議題、環境變遷
1. 企業誤判
2. 讀者誤判,因為,可能是項公舞劍,我們不知道其真實原因。
近來看到這影片,學到某些 DIY 技巧
1. 內容實用,淺顯易懂(只是有些技巧超過阿原的能力)
2. 適度後製作,讓影片更有可看性,而且還有字幕(即使是自動辨識,也需要時間修正)
今天,20230512 注意到,居然有英文頻道
早上:BMI = 25.6/腰圍 78.0 cm/體脂防 22.1%
黃昏運動 (總結)
1. 快走 10 min 當暖身,平均心跳 117
2. 單槓 11 下
3. 跑三千公尺 15 m 55 s AHR 171 (原來不抱希望,跑完第一圈,碼表顯示體力比感覺還好,就決定跑完三千,而且沒超過 16 min,爽!好久沒有這樣的成績)--看過去的紀錄-運動、健康、食品營養、空污 --原來 2023-01 是我認為退伍後體能最好的一個月,但今天的跑步成績,在 1 月 的 14三千公尺,排名第三,也就是 14次之中,只有兩次勝過今天, 12 次的成績不如今天(20230511)--有點嚇到。
4. 快走三千 25 m 52s AHR 134(共快走 28 min)
5. 彈力繩輔助拉單槓 10+6
老實說,看到心跳 117,就知道今天的體力不夠理想
2. 單槓 11 下 (近來就是這樣,11 下)
3. 跑三千公尺 15 m 52 s AHR 171 ---這成績,當然符合國軍標準
Timing Description: Start Time: 2023年5月11日 17:33:16
Total Time: 00:15:51.73----平均一圈 1m 35.173 s--- 今天的成績,我很滿意
10 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:31.93---最後一圈想要加速,但已經很喘了,
Lap Total Time: 00:15:51.73
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:34.70
Lap Total Time: 00:14:19.80
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.62---看到尾數 38 秒,趕緊加快
Lap Total Time: 00:12:45.10
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:36.59
Lap Total Time: 00:11:06.48
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:35.67
Lap Total Time: 00:09:29.89
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:34.07
Lap Total Time: 00:07:54.22
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:36.03
Lap Total Time: 00:06:20.15
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:34.19
Lap Total Time: 00:04:44.12
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:34.60
Lap Total Time: 00:03:09.93
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:35.33
Lap Total Time: 00:01:35.33----看到成績,自己也夏一跳,體能比感覺的好(感覺會騙人,還是要用科學方法)
4. 快走三千 25 m 52s AHR 134
Timing Description: Start Time: 2023年5月11日 17:53:42
5. 彈力繩輔助拉單槓 10+6
已讀 2
1. 快走 20 min 平均心跳 125
3. 跑 20 min 含測三千公尺 16 m 47 s (是符合我這年齡的國軍標準,但是比 1 月體能退步不少)平均心跳 165
11 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 11... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:30.42
Lap Total Time: 00:16:46.92--平圈一圈 300 m, 1 m 40.691 s ~ 1m 41 s
Lap Description: Lap 10...
Lap Time: 00:01:43.71
Lap Total Time: 00:15:16.50
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:42.61
Lap Total Time: 00:13:32.79
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.90
Lap Total Time: 00:11:50.18
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:41.42
Lap Total Time: 00:10:11.28
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:43.68
Lap Total Time: 00:08:29.86
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:40.44
Lap Total Time: 00:06:46.18
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:42.62
Lap Total Time: 00:05:05.74
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:38.62
Lap Total Time: 00:03:23.12
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:12.13
Lap Total Time: 00:01:44.50---這才是第一圈
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:00:32.37不小心按到
Lap Total Time: 00:00:32.37
有些是行人不守法 ---以上是用路人的問題
1. (對用路人)禽獸就是禽獸,是動物,不被期待有人的修養。
2. (對制度)我們已經不用反攻大陸,很多事情,要有百年的思維,不是殺朱拔毛三民主義統一中國的年代,什麼事情都是臨時的(李立群、李國修相聲說的:連憲法也是臨時的)。我們要在台灣,建立長期的基礎,不是要反攻大陸。
原稿停在 2023-0330
Bacillus cereus - Food Standards Australia New Zealand (PDF)
1. 主因:社會氣氛,還是認同學歷證書大於實際能力,還是希望有張證書
2. 次因:既得利益者,不可能開放發證書的權力讓出來。補充個人假設:既得利益者從事教育,是為了月薪及月退的目的勝過為國家培育英才
3. 次因:廣義線上課程,無論有無修課證明,目前不易讓多數人自學而得到技能或知識,例如我們看過飯店主廚的烹飪節目,不代表我們有能力做出相近的菜色;或者看完相對論的課程,就可以理解相對論。
我是用力快走 30 min, 平均 124 下(心率帶似乎沒有異常),其中一部份是測三千公尺
Total Time: 00:25:21.46--------快走三千公尺,25m21s, 心跳 124
11 Laps 平均一圈
Lap Description: Lap 11... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:00:19.66----
Lap Total Time: 00:25:21.46
Lap Description: Lap 10...
Lap Time: 00:02:14.40-----按錯了
Lap Total Time: 00:25:01.80
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:02:33.45
Lap Total Time: 00:22:47.40
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:02:34.58
Lap Total Time: 00:20:13.95
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:02:34.36
Lap Total Time: 00:17:39.37
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:02:32.68
Lap Total Time: 00:15:05.01
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:02:32.57
Lap Total Time: 00:12:32.33
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:02:33.52
Lap Total Time: 00:09:59.76
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:02:31.29
Lap Total Time: 00:07:26.24
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:02:24.44
Lap Total Time: 00:04:54.95
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:02:30.51
Lap Total Time: 00:02:30.51
單槓 10 下
跑步 20 分鐘(心率帶異常),其中一部份是測三千公尺,放鬆跑
這次沒有刻意要測三千,而且前方其實一共快走 30 min, 單槓 10 下,加上今天體裡普通,所以就慢慢跑
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:02:01.73
Lap Total Time: 00:19:23.92
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:59.32
Lap Total Time: 00:17:22.19
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:57.76
Lap Total Time: 00:15:22.87
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:02:01.29
Lap Total Time: 00:13:25.11
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:59.36
Lap Total Time: 00:11:23.82
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:54.99
Lap Total Time: 00:09:24.46
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:56.17
Lap Total Time: 00:07:29.47
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:52.37
Lap Total Time: 00:05:33.30
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:53.63
Lap Total Time: 00:03:40.93
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:47.30
Lap Total Time: 00:01:47.30
1. 醫生說,心跳 130 是中等費力運動(其實要看年齡去推算),對身體的好處
2. 阿原想要測試,若維持在 130-140 這樣的運動量(對阿原,屬於有氧運動的區間),換算成速率(操場一圈幾秒,會是怎樣的數值)
慢跑:使用心率帶,設法保持 130-140 的心跳
以某高中校園 300 公尺的操場來測試(先吃過東西,經驗上這樣運動比較有體力)
有夠誇張,我穩定速度跑 30 min,中間出現最低 60 下,這是睡覺才有的心率 (出現異常之前,大約平均是 137 /min)。
20230327 開箱迪卡儂的 849 元心率帶、測定休息心跳率
平均來說,這樣的情況(保持心跳 130-140),一圈大約是 2m20s - 2m40s 之間,這樣測試,我就有概念了
Total Time: 00:30:04.11---共 12 圈平均一圈 2m 30.3 s
13 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 13... <Stopped>(一次按錯,所以一共是 12 圈,不是 13 圈)
Lap Time: 00:02:34.39
Lap Total Time: 00:30:04.11
Lap Description: Lap 12...
Lap Time: 00:02:31.34
Lap Total Time: 00:27:29.72
Lap Description: Lap 11...
Lap Time: 00:02:40.13
Lap Total Time: 00:24:58.38
Lap Description: Lap 10...
Lap Time: 00:02:41.30
Lap Total Time: 00:22:18.25
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:02:35.70
Lap Total Time: 00:19:36.95
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:02:34.37
Lap Total Time: 00:17:01.25
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:02:26.96
Lap Total Time: 00:14:26.88
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:00:46.36-----+ 1m34=2m24.11s
Lap Total Time: 00:11:59.92
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:37.75----按錯
Lap Total Time: 00:11:13.56
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:02:26.44
Lap Total Time: 00:09:35.81
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:02:23.98
Lap Total Time: 00:07:09.37
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:02:25.70
Lap Total Time: 00:04:45.39
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:02:19.69
Lap Total Time: 00:02:19.69
沒錯,就是 Σ (sigma)
5/03 他問媽咪,從 1 加到 100 怎麼計算,老婆就解釋
一回頭,看到他使用工程計算機,按下 Σ 的功能,我就告訴他,下方從 1 開始,中間用 x,上方寫 100。基本上我沒用過這樣的功能,也不知道如何把電算機上的游標移動(看到孩子使用方向鍵,我這下就明白)
1. 孩子現階段不可能懂 sigma(我也感受不到孩子有數學天份,他對語文比較敏感。另外,阿原 1994 年進大學,我們男生當時需要先到成功嶺受訓,我睡上舖,隔壁鄰兵,是跳級兩次,奧林匹亞數學銀牌,保送台大數學系的人)
2. 重點是,孩子肯問,我儘量找資料,讓他知道,合理的發問,爸爸會儘量解答。
因為,台灣的升學作法,讓多數青少年與年輕人,停止發問。 所以阿原一直觀察,孩子目前還會發問。
5/04 阿原在網路上找到
20231117 近期有業者反應,衛生單位改規定,阿原不懂,也不是官員。
台灣疾管署 沙門氏菌症
台灣疾管署 傷寒
傷寒之病原菌為:Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi。
副傷寒之主要病原菌為:Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi A。
阿原推薦這篇文章:非傷寒沙門氏菌感染:微生物學、臨床特徵和抗藥性 齊嘉鈺、王怡惠
歐盟 CDC Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever
yphoid and paratyphoid fevers are systemic diseases caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi, respectively. Humans are the only reservoir for Salmonella typhi (which is the most serious), whereas Salmonella paratyphi also has animal reservoirs. Humans can carry the bacteria in the gut for very long times (chronic carriers), and transmit the bacteria to other persons (either directly or via food or water contamination).
After 1-2 weeks incubation period, a disease characterised by high fever, malaise, cough, rash and enlarged spleen develops. Diarrhoea may be present at some stage. When Salmonella typhi is the cause, intestinal perforation and haemorrhage may occur. Salmonella typhi blood stream infection can also cause infection in all organs. Antibiotic therapy has radically changed the prognosis of typhoid, which, untreated, has a 10% death rate. Preventive measures include good personal and food hygiene. An effective vaccine is also available.
歐盟 CDC Salmonellosis
Enteric infections due to Salmonella bacteria are generally referred to by the term ‘salmonellosis’ when they are due to Salmonella species other than Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi.
Various animals (especially poultry, pigs, cattle, and reptiles) can be reservoirs for Salmonella, and humans generally become infected by eating poorly cooked, contaminated food. The incubation period and the symptoms depend on the amount of bacteria present in the food, the immune status of the person and the type of Salmonella.
In general, 12 to 36 hours after the consumption of contaminated food, a clinical picture characterised by fever, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may appear. Symptoms usually last for a few days. Due to the effects of dehydration, hospital admission may sometimes be required. In the elderly and otherwise weak patients death sometimes occurs. Elderly patients are also more prone to developing severe blood infection. In addition, post-infectious complications, such as reactive joint inflammation occur in about 10% of the cases.
Diarrhoea-causing Salmonellae are present worldwide. Prophylactic measures are aimed at all stages of food supply, from production to distribution and consumption.
美國 CDC Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid Fever
Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever are life-threatening illnesses caused by Salmonella serotype Typhi and Salmonella serotype Paratyphi, respectively.
Most people in the United States with typhoid fever or paratyphoid fever become infected while traveling abroad, most often to countries where these diseases are common. If you plan to travel outside of the United States, find out if you need the typhoid fever vaccine at www.cdc.gov/travel.
National Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever Surveillance
美國 CDC Salmonella
This website focuses on the types of Salmonella that most commonly cause diarrheal illness. Other types of Salmonella – Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi – cause typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever.
CDC estimates Salmonella bacteria cause about 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths in the United States every year. Food is the source for most of these illnesses.
Salmonella is a gram negative rods genus belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Within 2 species, Salmonella bongori and Salmonella enterica, over 2500 different serotypes or serovars have been identified to date. Salmonella is a ubiquitous and hardy bacteria that can survive several weeks in a dry environment and several months in water.
This group features Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, the two most important serotypes of Salmonella transmitted from animals to humans in most parts of the world.
Salmonellosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella. It is usually characterized by acute onset of fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea and sometimes vomiting.
The onset of disease symptoms occurs 6–72 hours (usually 12–36 hours) after ingestion of Salmonella, and illness lasts 2–7 days.
Symptoms of salmonellosis are relatively mild and patients will make a recovery without specific treatment in most cases. However, in some cases, particularly in children and elderly patients, the associated dehydration can become severe and life-threatening.
Although large Salmonella outbreaks usually attract media attention, 60–80% of all salmonellosis cases are not recognized as part of a known outbreak and are classified as sporadic cases, or are not diagnosed as such at all.
Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. It is usually spread through contaminated food or water. Once Salmonella Typhi bacteria are ingested, they multiply and spread into the bloodstream.
Urbanization and climate change have the potential to increase the global burden of typhoid. In addition, increasing resistance to antibiotic treatment is making it easier for typhoid to spread in communities that lack access to safe drinking water or adequate sanitation.
Salmonella Typhi lives only in humans. Persons with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract. Symptoms include prolonged high fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation or diarrhoea. Some patients may have a rash. Severe cases may lead to serious complications or even death. Typhoid fever can be confirmed through blood testing.
Paratyphoid fever (together with typhoid fever, collectively known as enteric fever) is caused by Salmonella enterica serovars Paratyphi (S. Paratyphi) A, B and C. S. Paratyphi A is the most common serovar while Paratyphi C is uncommon. S. Paratyphi A, like S.
Typhi, has adapted to human hosts; it causes similar clinical syndromes
to typhoid, including fevers, chills, abdominal pain, and can be a
life-threatening illness in severe cases.
2004 Diagnostic Real-Time PCR for Detection of Salmonella in Food
2017 Real-Time PCR Method for Detection of Salmonella spp. in Environmental Samples