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阿原建議台灣的翻譯:「摻」對應到美國的 adulteration 屬於食品防禦 TACCP,「攙」對應到歐盟的 adulteration 屬於食品詐欺 VACCP

查字典  adulteration ,其意思,跟美國新聞事件的 adulteration/adulterated 就是兜不起來 (事後知道是美國法規中的定義與中文翻譯的認知不同,而中文翻譯與歐盟定義比較接近)



Baked goods from Spain recalled in Florida over adulteration from insect filth
By News Desk on June 9, 2022

FDA warns companies over import, adulteration by new animal drugs and hazard analysis violations  By News Desk on June 6, 2022

Raw juice manufacturer warned by FDA for adulteration, misbranding  By Kelsey M. Mackin on October 29, 2018

National Chicken Council objects to USDA plan to name Salmonella as adulterant in some chicken products  By Dan Flynn on August 9, 2022 (沙門氏菌是污染,怎麼是摻入物?)

因為,摻入/攙入,在中文來說,是人為刻意進行的動作。上方的新聞,看來是無意的加入,對應字典, aduteration 是 摻入/攙入,這困擾阿原很多年(讀到食品雜誌,用到 adulterated/aduteration 的意思,跟我認知不同,因此困擾)。



簡單說,美國法規的 adulteration, 主要無意的污染 (如食品受到沙門氏菌污染、混入玻璃),多個定義中,中雖然有假冒,但出現在新聞的比例很低,整體來說,還是以無意的污染為主。之後美國法規,有另外的是 Intentional Adulteration, 就是屬於刻意加入,以傷害大眾健康為主(就不屬於食品詐欺,而是食品防禦)

§342. Adulterated food

 (a) Poisonous, insanitary, etc., ingredients

 (b) Absence, substitution, or addition of constituents

 (g) Dietary supplement: manufacturing practices---If it is a dietary supplement and it has been prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do not meet current good manufacturing practice regulations, including regulations requiring, when necessary, expiration date labeling,-----看完會吐血,在台灣就是不衛生,不合 GHP,但台灣不會用 aduteration 這個字

(i) Noncompliance with sanitary transportation practices---If it is transported or offered for transport by a shipper, carrier by motor vehicle or rail vehicle, receiver, or any other person engaged in the transportation of food under conditions that are not in compliance with regulations promulgated under section 350e of this title.---再吐一口血,就是台灣的違反 GHP.....另外,只能說,美國對 adulteration 的定義,也 太廣了

只能說,阿原是井底之蛙,習慣用台灣食品角度看,當然吐血(做個比喻,習慣台灣食品法規就好比阿原有小客車駕照,也開車多年,踏入 F1 賽車的場地,以為可以上場比賽)

今晚,2022-11-03 晚上,花了很多時間讀美國法規,感覺自己又進步了。這我無法形容,我從博士班讀美國食品法規,直到 2020-06 讀了許團長的簡報,才恍然入門。之後慢慢讀,到了 2022-07 為了寫書,把 21 CFR 101.9 前後瀏覽多次,感覺自己又進步。今晚,又是不同的進步,從法規 regulation 到法律 act 的高度。反過來看,有些職業就是故作神秘,凡事要拿錢來換,抱歉,講穿了不值錢,阿原拿時間來換,一樣可以讀懂)

建議讀者可以讀這 2020 的論文 食品攙偽假冒之類型化 美國法的啟示

或是近期的 Intentional adulteration 就是刻意的加入,主要是可能危害大眾健康,而不是「攙偽假冒」這類經濟因素驅動。

Part 121 Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration


反過來,歐盟法規就不同,adulteration 就是經濟上「攙偽假冒」為主,傷害為次(推測,台灣食安法可能是參考歐盟的)

 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) — ensuring safe food and animal feed in the EU

 The EU also aims to protect consumers against fraudulent or deceptive practices in the food trade, such as food adulteration (for example, horsemeat in beef products), and provide a basis for consumers to make informed choices about food.  (這個法規整理,舉例,比較清楚,兩個原來的法規,反而沒有定義或舉例)


Food fraud: What does it mean?

Scandals such as the "rapeseed oil" fraud intended for industrial use (1981) affected about 20.000 people and led to between 370 and 835 fatalities in Spain, dioxin in Belgium resulting in massive economic losses (1999), milk adulterated with melamine in China resulting in more than 50.000 sick babies and around six fatalities (2008), and more recently, methanol poisoning from the sale of illegal spirits which caused around 59 casualties in the Czech Republic and Poland (2012-2014), horse meat in beef products (2013), fipronil in eggs (2017) and the slaughter of sick cows (2019) have also drawn worldwide attention.

The ability to recognise fraudulent activity presents a challenge, not only due to the various forms it can take but also owing to the need to distinguish deliberate acts from accidental or unintentional ones, which could equally affect the safety or quality of the foodstuff concerned. A more extreme aspect with implications for defence concerns intentional adulteration ideologically motivated to harm such as through bio-terrorism.


歐盟食品安全局,把刻意的加入 (intentional adulteration),分為  food fraud and food defence(兩個圈圈),阿原讀起來,以經濟驅動為主。在美國, IA 主要就是對人體有害,就是上方四個圈圈的 food defence 那一個

法規名稱: 食品安全衛生管理法 EN
修正日期: 民國 108 年 06 月 12 日

食安法使用的字: 七、偽或假冒。


「攙偽」二字,以中文角度來看,偏向食品詐欺/VACCP 的屬性。既然食安法先用,阿原建議就順勢把「摻」對應到美國的 intentional adulteration (IA) 屬於食品防禦 TACCP (美國的 adulteration 屬於食品安全, HACCP)




