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My notes: Allergen guidance for food businesses, FSA, UK--The definitions of prepacked, PPDS, and non-prepacked foods

(The texts I created are in this kind of color)

 Criticizing TW food authorities is not my primary purpose. Instead, I want  TW society to learn more, know more, and make us better.



Allergen guidance for food businesses (FSA, UK)

Food business operators in the retail and catering sector are required to provide allergen information and follow labelling rules as set out in food law (Opens in a new window).

---Surprisingly, this link connects to the EU regulations (a student and I translated the ANNEX II, the list of allergens recently.) Does it imply that the UK still uses/follows the EU regulations in food labeling/labelling?

Allergen labelling for different types of food

There are a number of ways in which allergen information can be provided to your customers. You will need to choose the method which is best for your business and the type of food you serve.

Prepacked foods refer to any food put into packaging before being placed on sale, while non-prepacked food (loose food) is unpackaged food. Different allergen labelling rules apply depending on how the food is provided.

Our technical guidance provides a detailed explanation of the labelling requirements for each food type.

Food allergen labelling and information requirements
Technical Guidance      Published: June 2020



Apparently, the FSA categorizes the foods into three groups based on the package.  It could be different from the EU.


My opinion and notes: both the EU and the UK put the PPDS in the position of non-prepacked food.