CNS 2779 Z4006
CNS 7293 N4072(彩色版)
CNS 2779 Z4006
CNS 7293 N4072(彩色版)
I read this review article:
Processing environment monitoring in low moisture food production facilities: Are we looking for the right microorganisms? (Open Access)
International Journal of Food Microbiology
Volume 356, 16 October 2021, 109351
In the article:
Microbial tests that are commonly used include aerobic mesophilic counts, Enterobacteriaceae counts or yeast and mould counts (Article 5, EU Regulation 2073/2005).
1.4. PEM in guidelines and legislation
PEM is widely recognized as a requirement in the production of many types of food and is mentioned in numerous publications. For example, in the European Commission Regulation on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (European Commission, 2005), as well as highlighting a range of food safety criteria, it is noted in Article 5 that: “Samples shall be taken from processing areas and equipment used in food production, when such sampling is necessary for ensuring that the criteria are met”. The regulation goes on to specifically identify ready-to-eat (RTE) foods which may pose a Listeria monocytogenes risk, and dried infant formula that may pose a risk from Salmonella spp. and Cronobacter spp., as two product types where PEM is required. This regulation also gives some guidance on the importance of sampling when undertaking PEM and points to ISO 18593 as a standard for the swabbing examination (ISO, 2018).
Thus, I searched Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 (updated: 2020-03-08)
Article 5
Specific rules for testing and sampling
1. The analytical methods and the sampling plans and methods in Annex I shall be applied as reference methods.
2. Samples shall be taken from processing areas and equipment used in food production, when such sampling is necessary for ensuring that the criteria are met. In that sampling the ISO standard 18593 shall be used as a reference method.
And I checked this standard
ISO 18593:2018
Microbiology of the food chain — Horizontal methods for surface sampling
This document specifies horizontal methods for sampling techniques using contact plates, stick swabs, sponges and cloths on surfaces in the food chain environment in order to detect and enumerate culturable microorganisms such as pathogenic or non-pathogenic bacteria or yeasts and moulds.
NOTE The term "environment" means any item in contact with the food product or likely to represent a contamination or recontamination source; for example, material, premises or operators.
This document does not apply to the validation of cleaning and disinfection procedures.
This document does not apply to sampling techniques for primary production samples, which are covered by ISO 13307. Sampling techniques for carcasses are covered by ISO 17604. Sampling techniques for analysis of noroviruses and hepatitis A viruses are covered by ISO 15216-1.
This document does not give advice on sampling frequency, the number of sampling points, or the need to rotate sampling points, as these are chosen on a case-by-case basis.
I also got this
(Open access)
European survey and evaluation of sampling methods recommended by the standard EN ISO 18593 for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas fluorescens on industrial surfaces
---比上次跑 15 m 32s,(感覺上氣不接下氣)
iming Description: Start Time: 2023年1月29日 17:20:00
Total Time: 00:15:23.21
12 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 12... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:00:05.21
Lap Total Time: 00:15:23.21
Lap Description: Lap 11...
Lap Time: 00:00:00.00
Lap Total Time: 00:15:18.00
Lap Description: Lap 10... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:01:21.38----最後一圈,衝了,表示還有體力
Lap Total Time: 00:15:18.00-----近年新紀錄
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:33.24
Lap Total Time: 00:13:56.62
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:35.85
Lap Total Time: 00:12:23.38
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:35.88
Lap Total Time: 00:10:47.53
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:32.99
Lap Total Time: 00:09:11.65
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:32.29
Lap Total Time: 00:07:38.66
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:30.77
Lap Total Time: 00:06:06.37
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:30.53
Lap Total Time: 00:04:35.60
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:32.01
Lap Total Time: 00:03:05.07
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:33.06----錯覺,以為第一圈沒啥衝勁,大約是 1 m 40 - 42 s, 沒想到是 1m33s
Lap Total Time: 00:01:33.06
原來學校在 2015-06 就幫師生建立 GAPPS
Food incidents, product withdrawals and recalls
As a result of a food incident, a food product may have to be withdrawn or recalled.
A withdrawal is when unsafe food is removed from the supply chain before it has reached consumers.
A recall is when unsafe food is removed from the supply chain and consumers are advised to take appropriate action, for example to return or dispose of the unsafe food.
What is a food recall?
A food recall is used to remove from sale a food that poses an immediate risk to public health and safety. Food recalls are usually initiated by the manufacturer, distributor or importer and must be reported to state and commonwealth government authorities
What is a withdrawal?
A withdrawal is action taken to remove a food product from sale even if there is no public health and safety issue. This is usually done for two reasons:
1. the product has a quality defect or has a labelling irregularity that is not a public health risk.
2. as a precaution, pending further investigation of a potential public health risk. If a public
health risk is established, then the food must be recalled. Withdrawals do not need to be notified to authorities.
New Zealand Food Grocery Council
Market Withdrawal Vs. Recall: What’s the Difference?
GFSI 2020.1
Product recall
The removal by a supplier of product from the supply chain that has been deemed to be unsafe and has been sold to the end consumer, or is with retailers or caterers and is available for sale.
Product withdrawal
The removal of product by a supplier from the supply chain that has been deemed to be unsafe, which has not been placed on the market for purchase by the end consumer.
美國 FDA
Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts
這是相對可以看的照片(其他不方便公開)。推測,這些自行醃漬的食品,已經多年了,建議 A 長輩超過一年沒有動過,就要丟掉,但,不聽勸告,還反駁說:戰爭時才有東西吃。我就說,戰爭時可以吃醬菜? (算了,這位長輩腦容量有限,不知道食品與營養的觀念與戰爭的情況)
林希陶 ・2020/05/28
依照這文章,阿原認為其圖表中 4 號 到 5 號的嚴重性。
(阿原家裡的髒亂,大約是 3 號,但阿原逐漸丟東西,所以不是囤積症,但老婆的物品也多)
2021/01/09 預計幫長輩安裝熱水增壓馬達及水錘吸收器
2021/01/09 預計幫長輩更換瓦斯爐及管線的準備筆記
20201106 家庭食安:長輩使用冰箱,能塞則塞,不留空間--原因可能不是表面那麼簡單
2020/02/24 長輩的心結:想抱孫、等接班?請先面對疑似 autism/social withdrawl:逃避是無法解決問題
2020/01/26 室內吸菸又燒香,還怕沒機會得癌症嗎?
2020/01/01 長輩:減鈉鹽 600 克 90 元好貴 (一般 1000 克 14 元),阿原:可能是因為笨老人的命與健康不值錢
2019/09/14 公視新聞:台灣「繭居族」案例有增加趨勢----阿原見到的例子及一定會發生的悲劇
2019/05/03 否認、逃避無法解決問題,家中有成年精障者,請儘快就醫與尋求專業協助
2019/02/01 終於,幫長輩的廁所加裝安全把手/安全手把
2014/11/14 開食品行的長輩找阿原幫忙--玩假的,不要浪費我的時間
快走 20 min 當暖身
單槓 8 下
再拉單槓 4/1/2 下
Timing Description: Start Time: 2023年1月26日 18:20:30
Total Time: 00:15:56.76
15 Laps 扣掉第一圈及最後一圈,中間 13 圈速度相當穩定,我很滿意
Lap Description: Lap 15... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:00:54.14----最後一圈加速,表示整體跑下來,游刃有餘,不是喘不過氣
Lap Total Time: 00:15:56.76
Lap Description: Lap 14...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.48
Lap Total Time: 00:15:02.62
Lap Description: Lap 13...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.49
Lap Total Time: 00:13:59.14
Lap Description: Lap 12...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.46
Lap Total Time: 00:12:54.65
Lap Description: Lap 11...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.69
Lap Total Time: 00:11:50.19
Lap Description: Lap 10...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.12
Lap Total Time: 00:10:46.50
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.88
Lap Total Time: 00:09:42.38
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.15
Lap Total Time: 00:08:37.50
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.66
Lap Total Time: 00:07:34.35
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:02.58
Lap Total Time: 00:06:30.69
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.74
Lap Total Time: 00:05:28.11
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.38
Lap Total Time: 00:04:23.37
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.49
Lap Total Time: 00:03:19.99
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.76
Lap Total Time: 00:02:16.50
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:10.74
Lap Total Time: 00:01:10.74-----第一圈跑起來很舒服,以為只有 5 8 -59 秒,沒想到是 70 秒,可能是天色昏暗,感覺失誤。
Mussi Katz
1. 分享網路給筆電
2. 與朋友聯絡 (極度使用 LINE,現在擔心沒有備案,如帳號被駭)
3. 跑步時「聽」YouTube
相對,(這無法評論對或錯)如果我們的官方教育(指 與家庭教育或人類自學切開)
博明文 /博明
2023 年 1 月 16 日
在北京觀察, 專文, 政經論壇
從范疇的 FB https://www.facebook.com/2020bluesea/
Ministry for Primary Industries
---primary 是「主要」沒有錯,但是這裡是指農林漁牧這類的工作,不能翻譯為「主要」,而是「初級」
行政院農業委員會全球資訊網 紐西蘭水產品管理制度介紹
----初級產業部(Ministry for Primary Industries, MPI)
-----紐西蘭初級產業部(Ministry of Primary Industries,簡稱MPI)
The screenshots are from GFSI website, I state the fair use here.
Kersia, McDonalds, and YUM! Brands Demonstrate Commitment to Delivering Safe Food to People Everywhere Paris, 26 September 2022
讀者看到麥當勞有加入聯盟,會問怎麼沒有肯德基? 事實上,那是 Yum 集團
統一超商 報告書下載
統一超商 2020 企業社會責任報告書
2021 年永續報告書 CH03 承諾產銷永續
先快走暖身 20 min
Timing Description: Start Time: 2023年1月23日 17:42:33
Total Time: 00:16:23.95
15 Laps---大致來說,每一圈在 1 m 041 -08 s (扣掉最後一圈)
Lap Description: Lap 15... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:00:58.80-----最後一圈加快,表示還有體力,不會喘不過氣
Lap Total Time: 00:16:23.95
Lap Description: Lap 14...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.54
Lap Total Time: 00:15:25.15
Lap Description: Lap 13...
Lap Time: 00:01:08.31
Lap Total Time: 00:14:18.61
Lap Description: Lap 12...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.24
Lap Total Time: 00:13:10.30
Lap Description: Lap 11...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.31
Lap Total Time: 00:12:04.06
Lap Description: Lap 10...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.60
Lap Total Time: 00:10:57.75
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.88
Lap Total Time: 00:09:51.15
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.23
Lap Total Time: 00:08:45.27
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.80
Lap Total Time: 00:07:39.04
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.87
Lap Total Time: 00:06:33.24
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.28
Lap Total Time: 00:05:28.37
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.05
Lap Total Time: 00:04:23.09
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.57
Lap Total Time: 00:03:18.04
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:01:07.08
Lap Total Time: 00:02:11.47
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:04.39
Lap Total Time: 00:01:04.39
2023-01-14 於鹿港天后宮拍照,感謝神明支持
From flickr (public domain)
From flickr thomas stein mediocrity CC-BY-SA-2.0
現在是兔年初三的凌晨四點 (睡到一半醒來),想到這樣的點子
1. 當地球科學家使用間接科學正確,提出推斷的結果,如過去幾十萬年地球溫度的變化
2. 考古學家發表報告,說明某時期人類的生活情況(使用石器、銅器、鐵器、火藥等)
阿原 認為,比例可能跟現代人相近,但只是猜測,阿原沒有證據
圖片取自 google, 在此主張合理使用
介紹費一般是慣例且可能不違法,阿原聽到的行規是 10%。例如 A 介紹 B 向 C 買東西,C 會給 A 10% 的介紹費,俗稱佣金,台語是 co-mee-ssion(commission//)。為何阿原知道?某次作夢夢到,D 朋友說,如果介紹成功,會給 5% 的介紹費。阿原問另外的朋友,朋友說,阿原被當傻子,一般行規是 10%。
尋找真友誼的八個準則 — 什麼是Frenemy?--後半段五項都很棒很實用,其中第二項是應酬喝酒,可以讀讀。
The screenshot is from DW News, and I state the fair use here.
2023-01-22 How is the Franco-German friendship holding up after 60 years? | DW News
1/23 大年初二,阿原跑步時,聽這主題,看到 "frenemies" 愣一下,但就想導可能是
Friend 朋友 + enemy 敵人
但,劍橋字典的意思是這樣 frenemy
我們來看看韋氏字典 frenemy
"a person who is or pretends to be a friend but who is also in some ways an enemy or rival"
(阿原翻譯) 是朋友,或假裝是朋友,但在些情況下是敵人或競爭者
20221202 買了三台望遠鏡 I bought a pair of binoculars and two telescopes
這個操場,一圈,可能是 200 公尺(沒有使用測距輪,就推測高中以下的學校的,使用固定規格的操場。使用平常的速度,感覺差不多是 200 meter 沒錯,當然這不夠科學)
Timing Description: Start Time: 2023年1月22日 16:56:50
Total Time: 00:16:11.26
15 Laps
Lap Description: Lap 15... <Stopped>
Lap Time: 00:00:57.86
Lap Total Time: 00:16:11.26
Lap Description: Lap 14...
Lap Time: 00:01:07.83
Lap Total Time: 00:15:13.40
Lap Description: Lap 13...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.82
Lap Total Time: 00:14:05.57
Lap Description: Lap 12...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.49
Lap Total Time: 00:12:59.75
Lap Description: Lap 11...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.69
Lap Total Time: 00:11:53.26
Lap Description: Lap 10...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.23
Lap Total Time: 00:10:47.57
Lap Description: Lap 9...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.02
Lap Total Time: 00:09:42.34
Lap Description: Lap 8...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.62
Lap Total Time: 00:08:37.32
Lap Description: Lap 7...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.53
Lap Total Time: 00:07:31.70
Lap Description: Lap 6...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.29
Lap Total Time: 00:06:26.17
Lap Description: Lap 5...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.45
Lap Total Time: 00:05:20.88
Lap Description: Lap 4...
Lap Time: 00:01:05.10
Lap Total Time: 00:04:14.43
Lap Description: Lap 3...
Lap Time: 00:01:03.24
Lap Total Time: 00:03:09.33
Lap Description: Lap 2...
Lap Time: 00:00:59.89
Lap Total Time: 00:02:06.09
Lap Description: Lap 1...
Lap Time: 00:01:06.20
Lap Total Time: 00:01:06.20
2023-01-22 報紙:賴清德說不必再宣布台獨 施明德:「中華民國式台獨」已成主流
不用說,阿原 100% 是龜孫子。
UNDP Ukraine Chernihiv
Photo: Oleksandr Ratushniak / UNDP Ukraine
From Flickr, CC-BY-ND
Amid Ukraine war, seeking moments of normalcy
From Flickr, CC-BY-ND
取自 google 新聞,在此主張合理使用
2023-01-22 週日,兔年(癸卯年)大年初一,早上看手機,看到如截圖這樣的新聞,當然,阿原知道,點進去,是看不到露點的清涼照片。只是好奇兩件事 :
1. 這家媒體,要不要改行,作另類訊息(這樣的情況,不適合稱作新聞)
2. google 演算法,給我這個幹嘛? 我從未點過這類不是新聞的新聞(要看清涼照片,也不會這樣做),也設定不要出現,一段時間後,就會看到設定不要出現的新聞,就出現。
例如 1,000 是看 "1",是奇數,可以放白包用在喪事,不能放紅包用在好事
例如 3,600 是看 "36" ,是偶數,可以放紅包祝賀用,不適合放白包。
讀者會問, 5,724 元 是奇數還是偶數?適合放紅包還是白包?
1. 主管機關的「食品衛生」
2. 食品業者的「食品衛生」
3. 消費者的「食品衛生」
4. 學校老師教 的「食品衛生」
讀者會問,沒有達到標準,為何要公開:因為,這是阿原,有紀錄以來,第一次沒有通過,當然要公開。今天是 2023-01-18 阿原已經測驗過7次三千公尺,包括一次是三英哩。
有可能是前一天(1/17) 也測三千,肌肉尚未有足夠的休息。一月初前五次都是跑一休一。
20230108 阿原挑戰美國海軍陸戰隊三英哩跑步 25分56秒及格- I ran 25 m 56s and passed the 3-mile run of US Marine
(只看其中三千公尺,則是 16:05.81 )
1/12 那所高中借給學測考場,因此沒有開放。只能自己跑步,無法測三千。
1/18 周三早上
BMI = 25.9
體脂防 = 22.3%
腰圍 = 76.2 cm
1. 先快走 15 min 當暖身
2. 拉單槓 8 下
3. 測三千公尺--這次輕鬆跑,但,整體速度大約一圈 (300 m ) 1 m 46 s,提不起勁,可能是前一天也測三千,連續跑,肌肉尚未恢復。
阿原看到可以買到 800 元的安全鞋,也有 2000 - 3000 元。
1. 阿原跟學生說,無論他人如何(是的,多數台灣人就是蟑螂民族性,不守法就算了,而且沒有把自己的命當命),你們進到工廠上班、廚房工作,就是要穿工作鞋(鋼頭鞋)
2. 阿原上甲業證照班時,同學說,他們不只要穿鋼頭鞋,還有絕緣防穿刺,阿原上網查,這樣的工作鞋價格不便宜。
家庭食安:1. 如何洗去新買不銹鋼鍋的黑油?洗碗精-沙拉油-洗碗精
家庭食安:2. 除去新買不銹鋼餐具的切削油 (黑油)---就用衛生紙沾沙拉油去洗掉黑油